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alive creature vs living creature

Both "alive creature" and "living creature" are correct, but "living creature" is more commonly used and accepted.
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Explained by Jennifer
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: March 20, 2025 • 5489 views

alive creature

This phrase is grammatically correct but less commonly used in English.

It refers to a creature that is not dead, but it is less common than the alternative phrase "living creature."
  • There is no more foul or relentless enemy of man in the occult world than this dead-alive creature spewed up from the grave.
  • Today, the biggest amphibian alive is this creature - the Chinese giant salamander.
  • My friends know this realm better than any creature alive.
  • No human being in history has seen these creatures alive before us.
  • There's another creature alive today that represents a link between the great animal groups.
  • Especially since tools to cut precious gems weren't even around when this creature was alive.
  • What if we're last creatures left alive?
  • Simone would be alive right now if that creature hadn't come aboard.
  • He loved all living things, creatures, plants, everything alive.
  • Alive... you're just a nuisance, a useless creature.
  • And then the painting came alive... and the two creatures attacked each other.
  • I was just thinking how fascinating that a creature that we think is a primitive caveman actually had 27% more brains than anyone alive today.
  • A noble earl and many a creature else had been alive this hour, if like a Christian thou hadst truly borne betwixt our armies true intelligence.
  • You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs, Jagrafess stays cool, stays alive.
  • Now, Frank says you claimed to have seen some sort of creature that was alive.
  • If this is a rare and deadly creature, we have to try and catch it alive, okay?
  • What horrible will... ...could keep such a creature as this alive?
  • Don't you think we should study what keeps a creature like this alive, regardless of the radiation it absorbs!
  • If Philippe is taken alive, we still have to find the tiny creature, you remember?


  • living creature
  • creature that is alive
  • creature that is not dead
  • living being
  • living organism

living creature

This phrase is the more commonly used and accepted term in English.

It refers to a creature that is alive, and it is the preferred and more idiomatic way to express this concept.
  • Quantum biology casts its spell over every living creature.
  • No living creature should endure this much pain.
  • Because I have seen the final destruction of almost every living creature on this once-beautiful planet.
  • There's no other living creature than the professor and his wife, Captain.
  • the living creature in its kind,
  • Every living creature in this circle needs to be evacuated.
  • May the pain of every living creature be completely cleared away...
  • A fusion body of machine and living creature.
  • Emusa is a living creature that has blood.
  • It is against my vows to harm any living creature.
  • A sword is a living creature.
  • The moment they're seen by any living creature they freeze into rock.
  • I spelled every living creature from here to the horizon.
  • She said that every living creature on Earth dies alone.
  • There's only one living creature on the planet, Captain.
  • Why would any living creature help YOU?
  • Give us eyes to see that every living creature speaks to us of your love.
  • You open your hand and satisfy every living creature with your kindness.
  • And undeniably the remains of a living creature.
  • They say there's no living creature that can handle the box without giving in to the temptation to open it.


  • alive creature
  • creature that is alive
  • creature that is not dead
  • living being
  • living organism

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