Which one is correct?
"As requested" or "as per request"?

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As requested

This is correct

"As requested" is used when you're doing something that someone asked you to do. You use it to show that you are completing the other person\'s request.

Some examples from our editors:

  • As requested, I have attached the monthly report to this email for your review.
  • The team, as requested, followed up with the client regarding pending payments.
  • As requested, I have moved our meeting to another date.
  • Your coffee, as requested, has been made with almond milk and served without sugar.
  • As requested, I have set up a reminder for your dentist appointment next week.
  • I have finished updating the files as requested.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Per your request
  • In compliance with your request
  • Following your request
  • Corresponding to your request
  • In response to your request
  • Pursuant to your request

as per request

This is not correct. Don't use this phrase.

It is not correct to use the words "as" and "per" next to each other. You either use "as" or "per", but not both. It is not grammatically correct to use either of these words right before "request". **P2.4\> Provide a list of alternatives to "as per request":** 1. As requested 2. In accordance with your request 3. Following your request 4. Per your request 5. In compliance with your request 6. As you requested 7. Per their request

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • As requested
  • In accordance with your request
  • Following your request
  • Per your request
  • In compliance with your request
  • As you requested
  • Per their request
"As requested" is the correct phrase to use. It isn\'t correct to use "as per".
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Explained by Jennifer
Editor at TextRanch

Last Updated: July 18, 2023

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