Which one is correct?
"Time flies so fast" or "Time flies by so fast"?

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Time flies so fast

This is correct

This is a common idiom used in English to indicate that time seems to pass more quickly in certain situations.

ExpertExplanation provided by a TextRanch English expert

Preferred Form:
Time flies so quickly

Some examples from our editors:

  • Time flies so fast when you're having fun!
  • It's been so long since I've seen you -- I can't believe how fast the time flies!
  • My baby is already starting school; time flies so fast!

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Time flies quickly.
  • The time has flown.
  • Time really flies.
  • The years have passed quickly.

Time flies by so fast

This phrase is correct and conveys the idea that time passes quickly in a specific manner or direction.

This phrase is used to emphasize that time is passing quickly in a particular way or direction.


  • As I get older, I feel like time flies by so fast.
  • When you're busy, time flies by so fast that you don't even notice.


  • time passes quickly in a specific way
  • time moves swiftly by
  • time goes by rapidly
  • time flies past quickly
  • time seems to zoom by
Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Time flies so fast' implies that time passes quickly, while 'Time flies by so fast' suggests that time passes quickly in a specific manner or direction. The choice between them depends on the intended emphasis.

Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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